Valencia CF25 June 2021

Valencia CF join forces with FEDER to support investigation into rare diseases

The club become the first in Spain to reach an agreement with the federation.

Valencia CF and the VCF Foundation have reached a collaboration agreement with the Spanish Federation for Rare Diseases (FEDER), to increase visibility for the over 3 million people in Spain who live with such a condition.

The aim for FEDER is to be a spokesperson for all those diagnosed with rare diseases, in a pioneering agreement between the entity and a football club.

The Mestalla VIP Box hosted the signing of the deal, which was attended by Valencia CF president, Anil Murthy, executive director Joey Lim, and ambassadors Ricardo Arias and Miguel Ángel Bossio, alongside members of the VCF Foundation.

FEDER were represented by president Juan Carrión and members from the Valencia region. Carrión said that “We are joining this great alliance to strengthen this important investigation work, improving the future for 3 million people -300,000 Valencians- who have rare diseases.”

Alongside them, several patients with rare diseases were also present, such as those from the National Lung Hypertension Association, Xfragil Comunidad Valenciana, DeNeus, Lucía Moreno from ‘Una sonrisa para Lucía’ and Noah Higón, who expressed her gratitude that “the club that I have always supported have decided to show the world what rare diseases are.”

Anil Murthy added that “The daily fight by these patients is an example of  overcoming adversity that makes me emotional, and inspires us all to keep going. This is an agreement between two entities who share values and charitable interests.”

It is a first step in a collaboration with FEDER to give visibility to such conditions, and to improve the lives of those who suffer from them.

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