Valencia CF28 February 2024

The match against Granada CF to be played on April 4th at 8 pm

All parties have reached an agreement for a new date at the Nuevo Los Cármenes.

The match against Granada CF, on Matchday 26 of the LaLiga EA Sports, season, postponed due to the terrible fire in the Campanar neighbourhood, will finally be played on Thursday, April 4th at 8 p.m.

 After the postponement request presented by Valencia CF was accepted last Friday, the parties have reached an agreement for the new date. The game was originally scheduled for February 24th.

Valencia CF wish to publicly thank Granada CF, LALIGA and the RFEF for their sensitivity and understanding in one of the most serious tragedies in the history of our city.

The club, through the Fan Area, are already in contact with the fans who had tickets for this Saturday, aiming to find the best option for each case.


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