Valencia CF and Fundació VCF to rebuild the football field at Sedaví municipal Sports Complex
José Francisco Cabanes, Mayor of Sedaví: “We will never forget this act of solidarity to help us rebuild our town”
Ahead of the return of fans to Mestalla for this Sunday’s game against SD Eibar, Valencia CF wish to share the following code of conduct elaborated by LaLiga, which should be respected at all times:
1. Do not go to the stadium, and contact the health authorities, if:
-You have symptoms or think you may have COVID-19 symptoms.
-You have been in close contact with a Covid-19 positive person, or with a person showing symptoms, in the 14 days before the match.
-You must remain in quarantine.
-There were changes in the information provided during registration. Where appropriate, you must notify the competent authority of the change in your situation.
2. Plan your trip to the stadium ahead of time.
3. Before each game, be sure to obtain your assigned gate, row, seat, and time slot.
4. Review all the logistical and safety information before going to the stadium.
5. When possible, use private transport to go to the stadium, or travel by foot.
6. Arrive at the time and place that you have been assigned.
7. Use contactless payment and signing whenever you can (entrance, etc.).
8. Pay attention to the stadium signage.
9. Avoid crowds and group gatherings, both inside and outside the stadium.
10. Remain in your seat as much as possible throughout the game, including at halftime.
11. Standing in your seating area is not allowed. You must be seated at all times.
12. Only occupy the seat assigned to your ticket and do not sit in any other seat or place.
13. Paraphernalia will not be allowed into the stadium (drums, megaphones, flags with poles, etc.)
14. Occupying seats where the Grada de Animación was located will not be allowed, if they were part of said stand in the last five seasons. In this case, ticket holders will be relocated to another area of the stadium that does not correspond with the Grada de Animación.
15. Turn your back to other spectators in your row when moving to/from your seat.
16. Identify the location of toilets in advance.
17. Maintain a safe distance when travelling in and out of the stadium.
18. Wear a mask, maintain good hand hygiene, use hydroalcoholic gel frequently, avoid touching your face, and -as much as possible- avoid touching doorknobs, railings, etc.
19. Avoid hugging, high-fiving, etc. with other fans.
20. Follow the protocols established by the health authorities. In the event of your presenting COVID-19 symptoms inside the stadium, contact a member of club or security staff to receive indications on the procedure to follow.
21. In the case of being diagnosed COVID-19 positive after the game, notify the health authority immediately.
22. You agree to provide your absolute collaboration with the club in any action that is required in the surroundings, access and interior of the stadium, as well as providing the competent authorities with any information or action that may be required.
23. Know the risks inherent in the COVID-19 situation.
24. Assume responsibility for the possibility of contagion, even if all established health and safety measures are taken.
25. You must comply with all the measures established in this protocol for the return of fans to stadiums, as well as the measures established by the club and the sanitary measures established by the competent authorities. In the event of non-compliance, the sanctioning procedures detailed in Annex I will be applied.
26. Downloading of the Radar COVID App is recommended, in order to facilitate close contact tracing.
27. If this code of conduct is not respected, you will not be allowed access to the stadium and/or you may be warned or ejected.
28. Storage lockers will remain closed. Bringing food will not be permitted, nor will smoking be permitted.
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